Explore the policy we promoted in 2023 - Economy

New Zealand can be a place where innovation thrives.

But to be a world-class economy, we need political action to get the settings right. 

We’re committed to investing in infrastructure, research and innovation and ensuring we have the right immigration settings to attract high-quality investment and skills into New Zealand. 

New Zealand can have a prosperous and sustainable economy that delivers better outcomes for all Kiwis. TOP’s plan will help us get there.



  • Develop a 30 year National Infrastructure Plan in collaboration with Local Government.
  • Develop a Long-term Funding and Financing Model using Crown Infrastructure Partners and other fit-for-purpose commercial models.
  • Introduce Long-Term Alliance Contracting Models to deliver long-term plans, workforce certainty and lower risk.
  • Use Infrastructure Funding as a counter-cyclical tool by setting nominal GDP targets.



  • Return Reserve Bank mandate to price stability only.
  • Liberalise the overseas investment framework to attract productive foreign investment and support local innovators.
  • Make Kiwisaver enrolment compulsory at birth (currently voluntary).
  • Review role of Kiwisaver contributions for freelancers/contractors, and in supporting price stability.



  • Support R&D investment by increasing tax credits.
  • Increase funding for post-doctoral research scholarships and seed-stage investment.
  • Allow accelerated depreciation and digital grants for SMEs.
  • Update and introduce appropriate regulatory frameworks for Gene Editing, Artificial Intelligence and Therapeutic Products to support research, innovation and commercial outcomes.



  • Review the Accredited Employer Visa Scheme ensuring  checks and balances to stamp out migrant worker exploitation.
  • Reduce the salary bands for Skilled Work visas, which many businesses, including our growing tech sector, say are too high.
  • Establish a new Regional Talent Visa to let regions recruit directly on behalf of local companies and sectors, easing the pressure on Auckland and attracting much-needed talent elsewhere in the country.
  • Introduce a Teal Visa to harness high net worth individuals who want to make productive investments and live in New Zealand. The Teal Visa investment will fund a new Climate Resettlement Programme.