Wellington Roadshow
Gareth Morgan is coming to town to talk to you about how The Opportunities Parties policies are going to help make Aoteroa New Zealand fair again.
Come along to find out how you, your kids and your community will be better off with TOP's policies.
The Talk will go for about half an hour. Following on from that we will have 30 minutes of Q & A, where you can voice opinions, concerns and all things in-between about The Opportunities Party to Gareth.
March 28, 2017 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Macs Function Centre
4 Taranaki St
Wellington 6023
New Zealand
Google map and directions
Nick Tansley
Geoff Simmons rsvped 2017-03-21 18:28:54 +1300
Jack McSnack rsvped 2017-03-21 18:28:52 +1300
Benjamin Aiken rsvped 2017-03-21 18:28:50 +1300
Kieu Pham rsvped +2 2017-03-21 15:36:15 +1300
Campbell Downie rsvped 2017-03-21 08:57:29 +1300
Michael Thomas rsvped 2017-03-20 18:09:28 +1300
Peter Jamieson rsvped 2017-03-20 18:09:27 +1300
Daniel Webster rsvped 2017-03-20 18:09:24 +1300
Timothy Dorrian rsvped 2017-03-20 18:09:19 +1300
Andrew Blair rsvped 2017-03-20 18:09:13 +1300
Luke Redward rsvped 2017-03-20 18:09:11 +1300
Annelies Kamp rsvped 2017-03-20 12:20:38 +1300
Mark Walkington rsvped 2017-03-20 11:33:20 +1300
Carroll Doyland rsvped 2017-03-20 11:32:28 +1300
Klayton Sara rsvped 2017-03-20 10:20:30 +1300
Nick Allan rsvped 2017-03-20 09:13:54 +1300
Gary Eng rsvped +1 2017-03-19 21:09:05 +1300
Micah Rickards rsvped 2017-03-19 18:22:27 +1300
James Mulrennan rsvped 2017-03-19 18:22:22 +1300
Ryan Bird rsvped 2017-03-19 18:22:18 +1300
Gullstrand Painlevé rsvped 2017-03-19 18:22:17 +1300
Connor Ruston rsvped 2017-03-19 18:22:10 +1300
Aitken Hawkins rsvped 2017-03-19 18:22:07 +1300
Djon Pye rsvped 2017-03-19 18:22:05 +1300
leigh missen rsvped +2 2017-03-19 09:00:42 +1300
Keith Ryan rsvped 2017-03-19 07:21:48 +1300
Catherine Curran rsvped +1 2017-03-18 19:44:52 +1300
Mike Suggate rsvped +1 2017-03-18 19:24:02 +1300
Melissa Idiens rsvped 2017-03-18 18:03:44 +1300
Noa Malaulau rsvped 2017-03-18 18:03:39 +1300