Wellington Central Debate with Natalia Albert - Aro Valley

Wellington Central Debate with Natalia Albert - Aro Valley


Meet Natalia Albert, Deputy Leader of The Opportunities Party and Candidate for Wellington Central at your local candidate debate.

Come along and support us as we make our pitch to bring a fresh voice and new ideas to Parliament.

This is your chance to hear from your local candidate directly and ask about the issues that matter to you.

This debate is being hosted by Aro Valley Community Council and MC Brian Crump from RNZ Concert. 

We hope to see you there!

Here is the link to the event: Meet the Candidates 

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September 01, 2023 at 7:00pm - 9pm


Aro Valley Community Centre
48 Aro St
Aro Valley
Wellington 6021
New Zealand
Google map and directions


Emily ·