TOP Chats with Raf Manji (Night 2) - Auckland CBD

TOP Chats with Raf Manji (Night 2) - Auckland CBD



Whether you've been part of the TOP journey for a while; or simply curious about our policies, our platforms, and what really makes TOP stand out, this session is sure to be an informative and insightful evening.

Chat with Raf Manji and connect with other Auckland-based TOP supporters. Join us for the opportunity to get to know Raf first hand, share any concerns or ideas you have, and learn about what TOP's vision is for Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland, and New Zealand.

Spaces are limited, so RSVP now to secure your spot using the form below.


Please note that as we are using an Auckland City Council venue, a face mask and a My Vaccine Pass will be required to enter the venue for anyone aged over 12 years. 


Raf is also meeting with supporters at 5:30pm, Monday 4th April 2022 - see more details here.


If you're unable unable to make the event, but would like to put a question to Raf, join us for our Live Q+A event on Wednesday 6th April.


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April 05, 2022 at 5:30pm - 7pm


Ellen Melville Centre
2 Freyberg Pl
Betty Wark Room
Auckland CBD 1010
New Zealand
Google map and directions


Christopher ·

Will you come?