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As a political party outside of Parliament, we have a huge mountain to climb.

Please consider also making a donation that will support The Opportunities Party by funding core staff, marketing campaigns, market research and equipment. 

Visit our about page to learn more about TOP's commitment to New Zealand's future.

Every donation, small or large, will help us inch closer to delivering a fresh voice and new ideas for New Zealand.


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You can support TOP at any age or any immigration status, but we do need to collect this data to comply with electoral law.

Contributions are not tax deductible.

$ 50.00

Please make sure you click the "Donate to The Opportunities Party" button only once and do not refresh your browser, as multiple clicks or refreshes may cause your card to be charged more than once.

TOP takes New Zealand political donation laws seriously. There are specific laws identifying who is making donations, and also donations from overseas persons. We no longer accept donations directly into our bank account so that we can ensure we're collecting the information that we're required to by the Electoral Commission.
The information you provide us with on this page, including age, immigration status and physical address, will be used to allow us to identify who is making a donation to us, their eligibility to enrol to vote in New Zealand, and if they are overseas persons, as we're required to by law. Please contact us if you require any further information.