Meet the Candidates - Tawa

Meet the Candidates - Tawa

The format of the meeting will be as follows:

Opening and welcome from the meeting chair Party opening statements:

  • Why attendees should give their party vote to your party (3min/party, one speaker per party).
  • Ōhāriu candidates’ opening statements (2min/candidate for those running in Ōhāriu).
  • Mana candidates’ opening statements (2min/candidate for those running in Mana).
  • Short break Time for questions, alternating between questions from the chair and questions from the audience.
  • Up to one speaker per party may respond to each question.
  • Closing statements (30 seconds per candidate, 1 minute if they’re the only representative from their party).

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August 28, 2020 at 6:15pm - 9:15pm


Tawa Union Church
6 Elena Place Tawa
Wellington 5028
New Zealand
Google map and directions

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  • James McNally
    published this page in What's Happening 2020-08-25 11:30:49 +1200
  • James McNally
    published this page in What's Happening 2020-08-13 10:47:40 +1200