Christchurch Roadshow

Christchurch Roadshow

Gareth Morgan is coming to town to talk to you about how The Opportunities Party's policies are going to help make Aotearoa New Zealand fair again.

Come along to find out how you, your kids and your community will be better off with TOP's policies.

The Talk will go for about half an hour. Following on from that we will have 30 minutes of Q & A, where you can voice opinions, concerns and all things in-between about The Opportunities Party to Gareth.

Chateau on the Park, 189 Deans Ave Riccarton, Christchurch, Wednesday 28 June, 6 pm

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June 28, 2017 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm


Chateau on the Park
189 Deans Ave Riccarton
Christchurch 8011
New Zealand
Google map and directions


Nick Tansley

Will you come?

Showing 56 reactions

  • Ian Gaskin
    commented 2017-06-28 22:53:28 +1200
    Garath if you want to win you need to get the 24% of swing voters. I offer 3 policies to win the swing voters 1 liposuction. No obese person can achieve 8 hours of physical employment. A cost neutral policy 2 a hydrogen fuel economy. A cost neutral policy. 3 entry into the fine fur industry.There are over 30.000 jobs for rural new zealand by farming kiwi bears and no need for 1080 .another cost neutral policy. I would like to stand for TOP in Christchurch Central.
  • John Strang
    rsvped +2 2017-06-28 16:15:00 +1200
  • John Scott
    rsvped +1 2017-06-28 16:09:07 +1200
  • Gavin Cook
    rsvped 2017-06-28 07:44:02 +1200
  • Josh Brinkmann
    rsvped 2017-06-27 19:57:37 +1200
  • Fiona McLeod
    rsvped 2017-06-27 14:24:35 +1200
  • Tim Harrison
    rsvped +1 2017-06-26 09:28:49 +1200
  • Eeen Smith
    rsvped +1 2017-06-26 09:20:45 +1200
  • Maggy Tai Rākena
    rsvped 2017-06-25 16:55:02 +1200
  • Clyde Phillips
    rsvped 2017-06-25 12:20:45 +1200
  • Peter Galbraith
    rsvped 2017-06-24 19:09:29 +1200
  • Stuart Ward
    rsvped +2 2017-06-24 11:32:32 +1200
  • Drew Hartstone
    rsvped 2017-06-24 09:29:51 +1200
  • Glenn Seymour
    rsvped 2017-06-24 08:54:15 +1200
  • Rita Clark
    rsvped +1 2017-06-24 08:43:54 +1200
  • Chris Coombs
    rsvped 2017-06-24 07:21:53 +1200
  • Claire Tanner
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-06-23 23:54:49 +1200
    Please RSVP: Christchurch Roadshow
  • Jason Koning
    rsvped 2017-06-23 22:00:02 +1200
  • Kevin Woods
    rsvped +3 2017-06-23 20:13:37 +1200
  • Karl Barkley
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-06-23 19:50:53 +1200
    Please RSVP: Christchurch Roadshow
  • Karl Barkley
    @barkley_karl tweeted link to this page. 2017-06-23 19:50:50 +1200
  • Karl Barkley
    rsvped +1 2017-06-23 19:50:19 +1200
  • Bill Skelton
    rsvped +1 2017-06-23 18:11:13 +1200
  • John Kirby
    rsvped 2017-06-23 17:31:54 +1200
  • Sue Isitt
    rsvped +2 2017-06-23 15:43:22 +1200
  • Donna Miles
    rsvped +2 2017-06-23 10:19:41 +1200
  • Geoff Curtain
    rsvped +2 2017-06-22 21:08:56 +1200
  • Fin Meldrum
    rsvped 2017-06-22 16:46:35 +1200
  • Richard Morley-Hall
    rsvped +1 2017-06-22 13:30:35 +1200
  • Niwa Rangiwhetu
    rsvped +1 2017-06-21 22:27:17 +1200